our vision
Greater Life Community Church exists to touch the lives of people of all backgrounds with the life-changing message and hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; focusing on the body, soul and spirit so each person fulfills their God-given purpose in the earth .
our mission
we believe
The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It gives a true history of the creation of the earth and of mankind. There is only one God: the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and of all mankind. That this one God is Father in creation, Son in redemption, and Holy Ghost in regeneration and activity. He is the First and the Last and beside Him there is no other God. Salvation consists of deliverance from sin through the blood of Jesus Christ. This is accomplished through repentance from sin, water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and receiving the baptism of the Holy Gh​ost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. This is called the New Birth (John 3:5 and Acts 2:38); and continuing in the apostles’ doctrine with a holy and consistent life.

Connect with pastor Eaton
Eaton Hope Grant is an inspirational speaker who bears an extraordinary message of hope and change. Pastor Eaton and beautiful wife, Nicole have been married since 2004, and are the proud parents of Jasmyn, Princeton and Canaan. They currently reside in a quaint suburban town just north of Toronto. They enjoy reading, baseball and connecting with friends and family. Serving as the pastor of Greater Life Community Church, the mission simple. People. God's passion, our purpose